Monday, May 16, 2005

Molecules of Emotion

I have been reading "Molecules of Emotion" by Candace Per, Ph.D.. Although this is a little distant from my area of interest which is molecular genetics, she makes some very good points about the interaction of peptide hormones and our emotional state. This even goes so far as to suggest that our "mind" extends beyond our brain and should encompass the chemistry that is brain related. These chemical activators or inhibitors are throughout out body influencing and being influenced by our current biological state. Dr. Pert has been a key factor in identifying how these chemicals affect our physiological and mental status, especially her key work on receptors such as that for morphine. This book is an especially good read as she goes into the intrigue and politics of big science in the U.S. as well as her theories about molecules and emotion. I found this book by watching the DVD What the #$*! Do We Know!? which focues on quantum mechanics. It has great graphics but spends too much time saying that quantum mechanics is weird. It obviously is but enough already.

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