Saturday, September 10, 2005

Sailing from Southwest Harbor to Deer Island

After a breakfast of raisin bran and yogurt Brint and I headed back to the grocery which opened at 5:30 am. This early opening must be for the lobstermen. The store was small but had the essentials including some New York strip. We procured two for two meals as they were large. After getting six more bags of ice we left for points unknown. We were either going to go up Eggamogen reach or through the Deer Island thoroughfare and then up along deer island in Penobscot bay. Because the wind was strong it would have been a real slog up Eggamogen we decided to take the thoroughfare and up along deer island. The fellow boater Pete that we met at Southwest harbor had recommended a number of places for the night including Sylvester cove on the west side of Deer Island. The winds were strong and we got some sailing in even having to shorten sail. The ride up to Sylvester cove was beautiful it being a clear day although getting a little cool in the stiff breeze. Upon entering Sylvester cove we saw a large number of mooring which are preferable for the nigh. A sailboat looked occupied so we made a pass but no one answered. Someone owns these moorings and may not like having us use one for the night. Another pass roused a man who pointed out one we could use. We thanked him and picked up that mooring. It seems that there is a yacht club, the Deer Island Yacht club, in that cove. Later a smaller sailboat came in and its owners dingyed by after closing the boat for the night. The man said that the mooring belonged to his sister and it was OK for us to use it. He was accompanied by an older women who seemed rather game to be sailing and riding around in that small dingy. For supper Brint grilled one of the steaks with garlic and butter added. We has veggies I cooked very lightly and a salad. Even though the cove was open to the bay there was little rocking during the night.

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