Wednesday, September 28, 2005

the dominate spicies

One can imagine extraterrestrials viewing the Earth from a distance and attempting to determine which of the many species on this orb is dominant. Because of all our accomplishments one might expect that our own species would be selected. I propose that we would not be selected. The reason for this is that the great majority of our efforts are directed toward the propagation and maintenance of certain other species who do little for our own sustenance. We who spend so much time picking up and disposing of other species poop must be subservient. I propose that canis lupus familiaris would be chosen as the dominant species. A picture of a member of this species with it’s toy goose is included in this submission. Horses and cats are viable candidates but nothing quite matches the common dog. Although cats do less than dogs they are intellectually deficient and would be excluded on those grounds. This situation is not all bad. If the extraterrestrials were bent on destroying the dominant species they would miss us and go for the dogs. All those science fiction films had it wrong.
On further consideration I would prefer that cats were selected for destruction by the species destroying extraterrestrials but we probably wouldn’t be so lucky

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