Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Anchor problems

Today I drove to South Freeport and took the Windchaser out for a spin. It had not been used for a week and I always like to check things out. Also, the alternator belt needed tightening. The wind was right for a nice sail to the goslings where I dropped the hook and read my new book on the “anthropic principle” under clear blue skies in a gentle wind. The wind picked up and it was time to go. The motor pushed the boat forward to put slack in the anchor chain and I ran to the bow to pull it in. With the strong wind, my old frame could not generate enough force to bring in more than a couple of feet. This meant running to the stern, motoring her forward and then running to the bow to pull in more chain before the wind pushed her back tightening the anchor line up again. After several repetitions of trauma to my back, the line was vertical meaning the anchor was about off. This time I motored the boat toward deep water and pulled the anchor off the bottom. One more run to the front and she was aboard and secured. So I didn’t have to stay all night. Someday I will get my anchor wench fixed so that it is the wench and not my back that takes the strain.

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