Thursday, January 05, 2006

Return to the cold, Brian Green and string theory

1-5-2006 After a breakfast of some health food cereal and several cups of coffee we went for a final swim including a dunk in the ocean. It was cool at about 70 degrees F but not body numbing. However, some type of small seaweed had floated in that hid just under the surface of the water and made one feel that sea creatures were crawling up one’s legs. I left the water. After the swim in the ocean, the pool and the Jacuzzi we returned to complete our packing. Hopefully we haven’t left Vesta too much of our stuff. The trip to the airport went without a hitch and I am continuing to read “The Elegant Universe” by Brian Green. It is another book on quantum mechanics and cosmology. After reading so many books on the subject one would think that I would finally get it. I haven’t. However, several of Green’s analogies have provided a greater depth of understanding assuming that the stuff is right in the first place

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