Sunday, January 01, 2006

Edison's home and nachos

1-1-2006 We got up by 8:30, made coffee but had some trouble finding the filters that seemed to be in a location that had nothing to do with coffee utensils or supplies. Wendy was up first, then me, then mom, then Vesta, Sola, and Ben with Tim and Nancy the last to arise. After a breakfast of scrambled eggs and sausage, we eventually got the whole group together and headed up North to Ft. Meyers and the Edison museum. The operators had done a lot of renovation as termites were destroying the houses. However, the best part was the laboratory and museum with many interesting exhibits on the great man’s inventions. Many of the rooms had short video clips including an A&E show on Edison. On the way back we stopped for lunch/supper at a Mexican restaurant where I O.D’ed on some rather good nachos. I worked some of it off during an evening swim in the pool with the kids. Later in the evening we watched a Modern Marvels marathon on the History channel. The marathon included segments on coffee, distilled spirits and beer. Very interesting.

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