Monday, January 09, 2006

The Genographic Project, National Geographic

My sample of cheek scrapings is on its way to the laboratory. I plunked down $100 to participate in this analysis of human migration ( ). This web site is excellent providing the ability to track the path of specific markers. I am sure that I will spend a lot of time here when my mitochondrial and Y chromosome markers are revealed.

A few days after signing up on the web a nice box arrived with the sampling equipment (swabs and tubes), instructions and an excellent DVD. The DVD provided a video of the sampling process and an excellent movie of what has recently been accomplished in studying human migration by analyzing mitochondrial and Y chromosome markers from people around the world. The purpose of this program is to extend those studies. My contribution will provide me with information on the location of my ancestors and provide some help for the extension of the program to others around the world who probably are much more interesting to the population genetics than my humble sample.

I recommend that all sign up and help out.

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