Monday, December 12, 2005

Snowshoeing in the town forest

It was cool and crisp as I hiked my way down the trails of the town forest on snowshoes provided by a friend. They are much appreciated. I am thinking of getting some and this was a good chance to try out the modern style. We have a pair of the old wooden type that are very wide and difficult to use. The new narrow aluminum type is great for the snow on trails which is relatively hard and not too deep. These snowshoes also had crampons on the bottom to give a very secure grip when going up or down hill. In general, they worked very well. My knee, which was operated on about a month ago, gave me little trouble. It is a little sore this morning but not bad. I was thinking of going skiing today but it is very cold and my knee probably needs a rest. Perhaps tomorrow or Thursday I will give the slopes a try. Tomorrow morning I have a Rotary meeting at which we will present teddy bears to the state police for their Christmas drive.

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