Thursday, December 15, 2005

Skiing on a cold but beautiful day and motion sensitive lights

This morning the outside temperature reading in my car was -7 degrees F as my old jeep creaked its way to Johnson’s. I should not complain as it has carried me over 260,000 miles with only minor though expensive replacement of parts. After breakfast, I went skiing at Mt. Wachusett anyway although my wife demurred. The purpose of this expedition was to test my knee post surgery. All went well. It was a little nippy at the start but I had prepared with many layers of clothing and boot and glove warmers. The day was bright and sunny with little wind. After a few runs my body temperature came up and I was in the groove. This euphoria continued until lunch without a stop. I did most runs, even a black diamond though it was the least well groomed with the surface being what they call granular. After I returned home, it was time to put in the new motion-sensing floodlight. All went well except for my dropping a critical nut in the snow. Recovery was not possible. The screw was metric so most of my ancient horde in the basement would not work. I purchased a new nut for $0.13 only to find that while it fit the screw it was too big for hole in the fitting in the light. More searching the nooks and crannies of the basement turned up a metric nut of the correct size. The job was finally done. We are expecting a guest for supper and hopefully the thing will work when she arrives. The position of the light required movement of a holiday flag to a new location closer to the front door so that its waving in the wind would not turn on the light.

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