Monday, July 10, 2006

Sailing Casco Bay Maine with Friends

Over the weekend I enjoyed two great days with friends. One came up with me on Friday and we sailed down the bay out past Baily’s Island and back through Potts Harbor. We grilled stake tips on the stern and talked till midnight. In the morning it was bacon an eggs with English muffins before the others came up to join us. We brought the Windchaser in to the dock for loading without incident. Docking is not my favorite thing. After loading an incredible amount of food and drink we set out for the ocean. Breezes were not good so after passing Eagle Island we sort of drifted out past the Portland light. While drifting two sailing mega yachts went by, motoring as there was no wind. This time of year there are mega yacht races in Boothbay and these boat must have been participating. One of these craft had six spreaders on the main mast. It was tall and thin. While drifting Mark and friend went out in the dingy and took photos of the Windchaser with a professional digital camera that takes 16 megabyte pictures. On Sunday evening Buzz gave me some fantastic pictures of the Windchaser under sail in a light breeze. After picture taking the wind came up and the merry crew sailed back to Freeport past Long and

This is the way it should be.

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