Friday, April 14, 2006

Return to the north

The temperature today is to reach 90°. Tomorrow we will hook up the horse trailer and start our trek back to Massachusetts. It has been a good month and a half with the exception of a couple of adventures that were somewhat painful. Going over a jump with the horse is much advantageous to doing it by oneself. However, after a night in the hospital I am about back to normal. Yesterday I enjoyed an extensive bike ride up and down the hills of southern pines and Pinehurst. My only regret was not taking water to avoid dehydration. I made it back to the condo OK but was rather 30.

April it is a beautiful month and Southern Pines. The area is filled with dogwood trees planted and growing wild in the forest. Their white blossoms add a beautiful highlight to the rural scene. April here is something like May in Massachusetts. It is very pleasant to walk through the golf course grounds enjoying the warm breezes while admiring the flowers and trees.

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