Friday, April 07, 2006

How we develop and activities in Southern Pines

This document is being produced with speech recognition In Microsoft Word (i.e. I talk but don't type, much)

I have brought a number of magazines down to Southern Pines. Finally there was time enough to look through the February 10, 2006 issue of Science magazine. On page 796 there is a review of gene regulatory networks and the evolution of animal body plans. If you ever wondered how this works the review is an excellent article to read. It is specially focuses on the highly conserved regulatory genes that are responsible for major body organization. The author states that these types of genes are conserved because any alteration would have a drastic negative effect on the organism. These large gene regulatory networks word (GRNs) exist in a very similar form in ourselves, the fruit fly and many other organisms. Such genes regulate intermediate regulatory genes which then regulate the genes that actually makes lectures look the way they do.

We decided to stay another week in Southern Pines as snow was reported in Massachusetts. Last night our neighbors in the condo invited us over for a party with other horse loving people. It was a potluck but the hostess provided an excellent chicken dish with curry sauce. The women spent most of the evening talking forces. The men talked about everything from flying a small plane over to Europe to the experiences of different people visiting communist countries. One couple in their eighties have flown their private single engine plane extensively in the U.S. and more than once over to Europe. Other excursions included a trip down to the tip of the Aleutian islands in Alaska. The pilot noted that as he approached the Russian coast near Nome Alaska that his radar detector lit up profusely. He was being watched. Today Hans and I attended the southern Pines Rotary meeting at the beautiful Long Leaf country club. The program included reports from several participants in a take teenagers to work day. It was a good experience for the teenagers but not a very exciting program. This week I have attended three different Rotary meetings. Tomorrow a steeplechase is scheduled with tailgate parties but it appears as if the weather may be stormy. Considering the $20.00 admission fee we may pass.

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