Sunday, April 02, 2006

Dining alfresco with the horse and boat maintenance

The pictures are views of our condo environs.

Pat and Hans had us over for a dinner last evening under the stars next to their trailer and foundation of their new house. The air was warm and the sky clear with stars shining like diamonds on an inky background. Light pollution in the Boston area hides such brilliant shows. It was very pleasant with Pat’s horse in the pasture a few feet away, good wine and conversation. W fed the horses and went riding with Gail, Pat and Marsha E in the late morning while I read on the condo porch with Gidget. Marsha has a 17 hand three inch horse that can move right out. In the afternoon I took a bike ride which went well considering the back problems of late. On the trek a fellow was seen working on his tralierable sailboat in the yard not too far from our condo. About an hour was spent trading boat maintenance ideas and giving personal histories. He was from the Akron area living one mile from Magador, the original home of my mother. This lake sailor had purchased the boat in Wayland MA and trailered it down to Southern Pines during a break in the weather in February.

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