Monday, October 24, 2005

Arthroscopic surgery complete at Nashoba Valley Hospital

Today the broken cartilage was removed from my injured knee. I was impressed by the friendliness and professionalism of the staff and surgeon. My wife gave great support. I have kept the medications as low as possible and was not in extreme pain. When I was in high school many years ago I broke the meniscus in my left leg. This was before arthroscopic surgery and was more involved as I was in the hospital a couple of days. They did a spinal that gave me severe headaches. This time there were no problems and I was out of the hospital by late afternoon. Medicine advances.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brian Williams: U.S. military deaths in Iraq
The Daily Nightly began on May 31, 2005. As Brian wrote in his first post it aims to provide a narrative of the broadcast day and a window into the editorial process at NBC Nightly News.