Monday, May 08, 2006

Walking along the Nashua

I arose to an automatic coffee maker that had turned on at the appointed time and managed to spread coffee and grounds all over the counter. Fortunately it is a small four cupper and the mess was relatively contained. After filling Mom with coffee, active culture yogurt and cranberry crunch cereal we headed off to walk the dog through Riches Tree Farm along the Nashua river. There was little wind and the river serene as it meandered out of Groton. Walking a poodle is not easy as there is more stopping to get the latest scent followed by running ahead to the next one. One gets as much arm exercise as leg exercise in the process.

After the walk it was time to rototill the garden. It is not a large garden and I don’t have a rototiller so a small one was rented from a local garden center. It could really turn up the earth while throwing out rocks and working in horse manure and lime resulting in and excellent seedbed. A trip with Mom to the garden center allowed the purchase of sugar snap peas, lettuce, onions and kohlrabi. These veggies did not fill up the garden but represent the first batch to be followed by others in order to provide a constant stream of the green stuff. Friends from Groton came to dinner in the evening. They spent their winters at the same condo in Florida that Mom and Dad enjoyed for years. We had an excellent supper of steak tips with all the fixings. They are horse people and the husband is a Harvard grad who taught plant physiology at Tufts; so we all had something to talk about.

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